I have talked with lots of people about Cloth Diapers and I know one frustration of many people that are just getting into cloth is the "Lingo" that the cloth diapering community uses. There is nothing worse than trying to find information just to have it all in a secret code!
Here is your Lingo 101 crash course:
CD: CD stands for Cloth Diapers. So we have CD'ers and CD'ing, cloth diaper-ers and cloth diaper-ing.
Stash: a stash is the collection of cloth diapers that a person has. Some stashes are small and just fill the needs of the family, and some stashes are literally a collection of cloth diapers.
Closures: the way a diaper is done up to stay on baby, types include: snap, velcro, pin, snappie, or wrap style cover.
OS diaper: One Size diaper, made to fit all sizes of kids from birth to potty training.
AIO: All in one diaper, a diaper that is diaper and cover in one, with snap or velcro closures.
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