Have you seen the film 'Reefer Madness'?
'Reefer Madness' is an old black and white movie that was released in 1936. In reality it is nothing more than a propaganda vehicle that drives home the message cannabis leads to insanity, aggressive behaviour and sexual deviancy. Owing to its ridiculous and hysterical depiction the movie has since become a cult classic for all the wrong reasons. So much so that it is the butt of sniggers and giggles the world over. I might add the effects of inhaling cannabis are innocent of causing the laughter on this occasion. The film's embellished message comically attempts to scare its audience with as much subtlety as a machete-wielding psychopath! Rather than persuading viewers to avoid cannabis it provides point-scoring ammunition (even after 70+ years) for the pro-campaigners cause instead.
Frankly, the illicit ingredient within your joint, bong or space-cake does not feature highly on the list of dangerous drugs. But whether you are concerned about your mental or physical health, the financial cost, the drudgery of living your life stoned or because you want to distance yourself from your current lifestyle, your reasons to quit are as credible as any. Reportedly, around 500 cannabis smokers in the UK seek out treatment every week. That statistic proves two important things: a) cannabis truly has the potential to ruin lives, and b) you are not alone in your desire to quit.
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